


eco safety, natural and economic potential, natural resources, river basin, resource component of eco safety


The article estimates the effectiveness of the use of natural and economic potential and the resource component of the ecological safety of the Goryn River basin which is one of the priorities in implementing of the basin principle of water management. The estimation of the resource component of eco safety of the Goryn River basin was carried out according to the methodology by Z. V. Gerasymchuk, A. O. Oleksiiuk. The calculation of the resource component of eco safety is recommended to be carried out in two types of indicators: stimulants (indicate exceeding the actual data over the maximum and are favorable for the ecological safety of the region), dislimulators (indicate exceeding the actual data over the minimum negatively displayed at the level of environmental safety). The resource block reflects the number, level of attraction and exhaustion, rationality and efficiency of natural resources as well as activities for their protection and reproduction in order to create opportunities for sustainable development of the territory. The resource component of environmental safety includes devastation indicators, the presence of pastures, forests, urbanization, proportion of reversible water, consumption of fresh water, proportion of forest fund land. Integrated indicator of environmental safety resource component in the river basin are evaluated by three states: environmental hazards – 7 districts, environmental threat – 29 districts and ecological risk – 1 district. It is established that the river basin is inappropriate use of resource potential, depletion of natural resources which will further lead to a significant deterioration of environmental quality indicators, human quality of life, economic development of the river basin.


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How to Cite

КЛИМЕНКО, О., СТАТНИК, І., & КЛИМЕНКО, Л. (2021). ESTIMATION OF THE RESOURCE COMPONENT OF ECO SAFETY OF THE GORYN RIVER BASIN. Problems of Chemistry and Sustainable Development, (1), 12–19.

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