volunteering, volunteer activity, students, future social workers, organization of volunteer workAbstract
The article defines scientific approaches to the interpretation of the concept of “volunteerism”, “volunteer activity”. The purpose of the research has been disclosed, which refers to studying and analyzing the organization of volunteer work of future social workers in social service centres. It has been investigated that in Ukraine the student volunteer movement among young people has acquired a mass character in various spheres of social life, in particular, in the field of education, health care, and social protection of the population. The model of the organization of student volunteer work, which consists of the mani stages, has been analyzed. The purpose of the Club of Social Initiatives and Volunteerism of Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University has been revealed, namely: promoting the development of social initiatives in the youth environment, helping socially vulnerable categories of children and youth, consolidating conscious and active citizens for the implementation and protection of cultural, social, economic, political and other common rights, freedoms and legitimate interests. The tasks of the Club have been singled out, which include: promoting the creation of a positive image and reputation of volunteer activities in the general public; research work of volunteers; creation of conditions for the self-development of Club members as individuals, members of society, citizens of Ukraine and many other areas of activity that do not contradict the current legislation of Ukraine The following research methods were used: theoretical (analysis of scientific literature on the researched problem); empirical (observation, comparison, generalization). It has been analyzed that for student youth volunteering is not only a way of spending free time, self-realization and an opportunity to benefit society. It is also a stimulation of future specialists for professional growth and development. This especially applies to workers in the social sphere, since caring for people and providing them with the necessary assistance is an important component of their professional activity.
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