social protection, social security, foreign experience.Abstract
The purpose of the study is to analyze the foreign experience of social protection of the population and determine the prospects for its application in Ukraine. The article examines the continental, Saxon, Scandinavian, Southern European, new liberal models of social protection of the population, highlights their characteristics, advantages and disadvantages, indicates the countries where they are used. The main trends characteristic of the administrative and legal regulation of the social protection system in the developed countries of the world have been formed: constant growth of the range and quality of social services; priority social services for children with special needs and children deprived of parental care; maximum delegation of social protection functions from central state authorities to local self-government, as well as the transfer of the appropriate financial resource; active involvement of public organizations, volunteers, charitable foundations in solving the problems of persons who find themselves in difficult life circumstances; creation of competitive conditions for private providers of social services; providing citizens with the right to social services and constant control over the quality of provided social services and the persons who received them. It is indicated that in the national system of social protection it is necessary to combine the best aspects of the Anglo- Saxon, continental and Scandinavian models, eliminating their negative qualities. In particular, the Anglo-Saxon model should adopt approaches to limiting the number of beneficiaries, recipients of subsidies and other types of social assistance; it is necessary to borrow a comprehensive social insurance system from the Scandinavian one, based on the principle of minimizing the percentage of insurance and maximizing the number of insured against all possible social risks; in the continental model, it is necessary to adopt the stability of legislation, rules of social insurance and receipt of social benefits and payments. Prospects for further research are to improve the mechanism of providing social guarantees to the population in the post-war period, taking into account foreign experience.
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