game, didactic game, the essence of the game, primary school, didactic games, form of education, teaching method, skills, abilities, game technologies, children with special needsAbstract
The article examines the problem of using game technologies in elementary grades, aimed at stimulating cognitive activity, schoolchildren’s interest in the material. The article focuses on game learning technologies as an important component of the full-fledged development of a junior high school student. The author explores the use of game technology as an effective form of learning in elementary school, considering the benefits of game technology, such as improving the motivation and interest of students, developing creativity and problem-oriented thinking, improving the attitude towards the learning process itself, and promoting communication. In addition, the author explores various types of gaming technologies. The article also examines the issue of using game technology in the context of new requirements for education and preparing students for life in the modern world, as the most natural and attractive technique that promotes better assimilation of new material and activation of cognitive activity. The author proves that the use of games during lessons enables the teacher to reach a new, creative level of interaction with elementary school students. Game forms of lessons allow both the students and the teacher to grow. Based on research, the author concludes that game technology can be an effective means of learning in primary school, but it is important to consider the need for the correct selection of game materials and their adaptation to pedagogical goals. The author comes to the conclusion that game technologies are one of the unique forms of learning. Currently, this problem is relevant, because the uniformity and pattern of lessons reduce interest in learning, make the educational process boring and hopeless.
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