


preschool education institution, preschool education, educational process, quality of education, management of the quality of education, educational space of ZDO


The article focuses on the current aspects of the quality of preschool education and its management. The article analyzes the main trends in building a model of education quality management in a modern preschool education institution. The relevance and necessity of building a preschool education quality management model is determined. The main structural components of the education quality management model are justified, which involves knowledge of all subjects of the management process and methods of interaction in the team, joint teamwork; establishing connections in the process of managing the educational activities of the preschool education institution. As a result of the analysis of scientific sources, it was established that the quality of preschool education is a systemic concept that covers all aspects of the activity of a preschool education institution and the related assessment of the state of health of students, their intellectual, moral and aesthetic development. The article states that the modeling of preschool education quality management requires special approaches, nonstandard solutions, which should fully take into account the peculiarities of the educational environment, requests and needs of parents and other social partners, which allow to successfully manage the process of quality education in preschool education. The necessary conditions for managing the quality of education in preschool education institutions are characterized, the main components of the model of managing the quality of education are defined. Only the high quality of preschool education will be able to satisfy the modern demands of parents and society.


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How to Cite

ТОМАШЕВСЬКА, І. (2023). PROJECT MANAGEMENT IN PRESCHOOL EDUCATION. Acta Paedagogica Volynienses, (2), 10–14.

