conflict, conflict-related competence, teacher, communicative, professional competence.Abstract
The article discusses the content and structure of the conflict-related competence of the personality of the future teacher in the system of professional competences. Emphasis is placed on the activity of a modern teacher (of a teacher, teacher of a preschool education institution) should primarily be aimed at ensuring interpersonal interaction of all participants in the educational process and constructive pedagogical communication of students, teachers, and parents. In the scientific study, conflict-related competence was considered as an important component of the professional competence of the future specialist, on the one hand, and on the other hand, as a result of professional training, which ensures the readiness of the future teacher to work successfully in a team, to be an organizer, and to possess leadership skills. It is emphasized that the basis of conflict-related competence is communicativeness as a personal development that includes sociability, altruistic emotions and social affinity. Conflictological competence as an integrative ability of the individual provides the ability of the teacher to work in a team, prevent conflict clashes, diagnose the presence of a conflict agent, conflict situation or conflict, constructively resolve the conflict, organize interaction in the post-conflict phase, predict the results of conflict interaction and be able to diagnose one’s own conflict. In general, the conflict-related competence of the future teacher presupposes a conscious understanding of the essence of the concept of conflict, its structure, functions, phases of the flow and methods of resolution; formation of skills and abilities to warn, diagnose, constructively resolve conflict; possession of communication skills, organizational and leadership qualities; as well as the skills of self-diagnosis of professional readiness to resolve conflicts and internal conflict.
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