artificial intelligence, academic integrity, professional training of preschool education specialists.Abstract
The article is devoted to the substantiation of directions for overcoming the problem of using artificial intelligence in the conditions of ensuring academic integrity in the process of professional training of preschool educational specialists. The research is aimed at popularizing an environment that supports the ideals of academic integrity and motivates students to use AI responsibly. Summarizing the approaches of scientists, it is determined that the most common way of violating academic integrity in the last few years is the use of artificial intelligence, mainly embodied in ChatGpt, for writing academic texts. The danger of its use in relation to plagiarism, fabrication, falsification and deception is the absence of any connection with the author of the text. The use of artificial intelligence to select the methods or directions of work of a specialist in a specific pedagogical situation can be very helpful, because it optimizes the work of the educator, saving him time and thinking resources. However, each outcome of such collaboration must be carefully weighed, analyzed and tested in the context of efficacy and safety. Through the analysis of scientific sources and approaches of scientists to the concept of academic integrity, methods of using artificial intelligence to write academic texts that would meet the principles of academic integrity under the conditions of a responsible and ethical approach were identified: generation of ideas and construction of the structure of scientific work, editing and proofreading of the text, analysis of scientific sources , creating citations and references, paraphrasing and clarifying thoughts, plagiarism checking, help with data processing. The following organizational and pedagogical conditions for the formation and implementation of the educational process based on academic integrity are summarized: ensuring the motivation of all participants in the educational process to use artificial intelligence at the same time as ensuring academic integrity, ensuring the constant professional growth of all participants in the educational process, creating an appropriate informational pedagogical academic environment, clarity criteria for determining uniqueness, originality or, on the contrary, the borrowing of text or ideas, the focus of professional training on the practical direction, on creativity and independence in the performance of tasks.
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