preschool children, disorders of psychophysical development, eidetic, coherent speech, methods, techniquesAbstract
The purpose of the article is to analyze and substantiate the effectiveness of the use of modern non-traditional methods and techniques of work in correctional work on the development of coherent speech in preschool children with impaired psychophysical development. The main emphasis is placed on the feasibility of using eidotechnics. Eidetic is a special kind of figurative memory, the ability to most vividly and accurately reproduce in all details the visual images of objects that now do not affect the senses. The main principles of the formation of the phenomenon of eidetism are considered both in the psychological and later in the pedagogical sciences. Today, this game technique is popular among those who seek to be creative in the processes of knowledge and learning. This theory acquires particular relevance for teaching children who have certain speech deficiencies, which cause serious difficulties in mastering the main program tasks. It is a visual representation of sound, which is a role model in pronunciation. Focusing on the proposed symbols, children remember not only the sound itself, but also the image that arises in their imagination when they say this sound. The features of using different types of associations in the process of developing coherent speech of preschool children are analyzed: free associations; associations using color; associations based on perception of form; associations with the use of tactile plates; subject associations; sound associations; taste and olfactory associations; use of Drudl. The use of eidetic methods during games-classes with children with special educational needs will compensate for the deficiencies in the development of higher mental functions, contribute to the correction of sensations and the full development of the speech personality.
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