academic integrity, values of academic integrity, types of violations of academic integrity, ways of formationAbstract
The article focuses on the implementation and observance of fundamental values of academic integrity by all participants in the educational process, which should become a priority in the development of the Ukrainian educational and scientific environment. After all, a large number of violations of academic integrity, which are observed in the educational process, lead to significant risks in the implementation of educational activities in domestic educational institutions. This situation has a very negative effect on the results of the educational process, normalizes deviant behavior, reduces the intellectual and moral potential of society. Therefore, today academic culture, writing, integrity should be the foundation of the value of education in general and a stimulus for its development. A study of the stages of development and formation of academic integrity at the institutional and legal levels in the field of world, domestic education. The essence of the definition of "academic integrity", the types of its violations, fundamental values and principles in legal documents are analyzed. The classification of the causes of academic fraud by the participants of the educational process is carried out, the threats and consequences of such actions for the national system of educators in the researches of scientists are described. Based on the analysis, a set of measures aimed at establishing the principles of academic integrity in higher education. In the process of working on a scientific problem, theoretical research methods were used: analysis and synthesis – in the development of scientific, regulatory sources on relevant topics; generalization and systematization – in structuring the content of the material, giving objective conclusions and beliefs; empirical research methods: systematic monitoring of the educational activities of applicants in higher education, conducting interviews with them, in order to identify manifestations, causes of violations of academic integrity and determine a set of measures to overcome them.
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