informatization of education, educational process, information crisis, organizations of educational process, developing role of educational processAbstract
The article emphasizes the importance of informatization of education both for the education system of Ukraine and for the innovative development of society as a whole. Some aspects of the formation of the information society and its impact on the latest philosophy of education are considered. Emphasis is placed on the fact that in addition to the positive aspects of informatization of education, some dangerous trends are predicted, namely: information technology can destroy the privacy of people and organizations, many people find it difficult to adapt to the new society, master the collapse of information. That learning forms a new type of thinking, a new style of activity, focused on more effective solutions to industrial, social, cultural and many other problems. The main tasks set by the modern information society for educational institutions in terms of education and upbringing of the individual are analyzed. The views of scientists on the problem of research, in particular, M.A. Danilov, who saw the essence of learning in the fact that students master the basics of knowledge in which human experience is concentrated, in creating favorable conditions for this also contribute to the development of all the talents and gifts of young people entering life. M.A. Danilov developed a fundamentally different, humanist in nature concept of “correct”, “successful”, “fruitful” learning, based on subject-subject relations when the active activities of teachers engaged in reflection, explanation of new issues, exercises, development tasks. It is proved that informatization of education can give the necessary social and economic effect only if the created and implemented information technologies do not become an extraneous element in the traditional education system, but will be naturally integrated into it, combined with traditional learning technologies.
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