


preschool education, management, project management, project management, innovative development, educational projects.


The article reveals the essence of project management as a leading scientific idea that ensures the functioning and successful development of a preschool education institution, describes the main characteristics of project management, and identifies the peculiarities of pedagogical activity in the conditions of project management. The relevance of innovative development and modernization of the preschool education institution in today’s conditions is substantiated, and the need to implement project management in the educational space of preschool education is determined. The article defines the relevance and necessity of using project management technology in managing the development of a preschool education institution. The essence and structure of project management is revealed. which ensures sustainable development of the educational institution. The article analyzes the main problems of preschool education and the prospects for their solution through the implementation of project management. The research examines possible ways of transforming a preschool education institution as a self-developing system into a new formation that ensures openness, mobility, and compliance of educational services with today’s requirements. Project management is considered as a leading method of reforming and optimizing the activities of educational institutions, which allows for the rational use of resources, the involvement of partnerships and interaction with different levels of education, and the improvement of the quality of preschool education. The necessary conditions of project activity in preschool education institutions are characterized, and the implementation of the project management system should be approached as a separate project. The article characterizes the main components, defines the goals of the implementation of project management in the educational space of the ZDO. The basic principles of the implementation of project management in the educational and developmental space of the preschool education institution have been determined.


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How to Cite

ТОМАШЕВСЬКА, І. (2022). PROJECT MANAGEMENT IN PRESCHOOL EDUCATION. Acta Paedagogica Volynienses, (3), 9–14.

