emotional development, emotional and volitional sphere, preschoolers with mental retardation, theatrical play activity, correctional and developmental technology, impaired development.Abstract
In the article, the ways of development of the emotional and volitional sphere of preschool children with delayed mental development are considered. It is indicated that the emotional and volitional sphere is a complex of properties of a person’s personality, characterizing the content, quality and dynamics of their feelings and emotions. The specificity of the emotional and volitional sphere in children with mental retardation, which is manifested in the inability to concentrate on purposeful activity for a long time, is characterized. Low level of voluntary mental activity, manifestation of negative characteristics of crisis development, difficulties in establishing communicative contacts, emergence of emotional disorders are the psychological reasons for instability of the emotional and volitional sphere. It is noted that among the psychologically corrective techniques through which it is possible to have a positive impact on the emotional development of children with mental retardation, there is theatrical play activity, because it allows children to discharge emotionally and physically, promotes the formation of leadership skills, ability to communicate with peers, to find ways to communicate, overcoming a sense of timidity. It is researched that correctional and developmental work with preschool children with mental retardation should include such directions of theatrical activity as director’s games, table picture theater, table puppet theater; drama games with fingers, drama games with puppets, improvisation. Exercises for the development of imagination and attention are characterized; exercises for the formation of skills to understand and emotionally express the state of the characters through intonation; to find means of expression to adequately express their mood through facial expressions; exercises that form the ability to psychologically tune into the future action, to quickly switch from one to another, control facial expression, posture, gestures; ability to change their experiences, facial expressions, gait, movement according to the emotional state.
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