interaction, interpersonal interaction, subject-subject interaction, pupil, educator of preschool institutionAbstract
The article analyzes the theoretical and methodological foundations of the formation of interpersonal interaction between the teacher and pupils of the preschool education institution. The author analyzed that the construction of interpersonal interaction is based on the principle of psychologically equal cooperation between the teacher and pupils of the preschool education institution and is a necessary condition for the implementation of the personal approach. In particular, the author researched that interpersonal interaction (pedagogical communication) takes place between the teacher and children, parents, and colleagues in a preschool education institution, and is aimed at establishing a favorable psychological climate, optimizing activities, and relationships. It was found that the success of subject-subject interaction depends on the nature of the relationship between the teacher and the pupil. The connection of these subjects of the educational process is carried out in the form of interpersonal interaction. The development of interpersonal interaction takes place in three stages: establishment of psychological contact between the participants of the interaction; actually there is a joint activity, which is aimed at achieving the goal of interpersonal interaction; completion of the interaction in connection with obtaining its result, which is accompanied by the emergence of mutual understanding between the participants of the interaction. It was determined that the main components of teachers' readiness to implement mutual relations with pupils are: positive psychological guidance of the teacher on his own pedagogical activity; readiness for interpersonal attraction; readiness for reflection; empathy; personal identification; interactivity; flexibility, plasticity of thinking; readiness to play the role of a facilitator; formation of life competence and vitality. It has been studied that all components of interpersonal interaction are characterized by reciprocity and include such phenomena as mutual understanding, mutual influence, mutual recognition, mutual relations, compatibility and cooperation. Signs of interpersonal interaction are: a really functioning relationship between subjects (educatoreducated), their interdependence, the presence of mutual understanding, mutual assistance, empathy, mutual influence.
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