military education, military engineering training, martial law, information technology, specialists of engineering troopsAbstract
The article posits modern armies require military institutions to apply innovative educational technologies. It is established that under martial law, the time for training future specialists of the engineering troops is reduced, within which cadets must assimilate a large volume of information. Therefore, practical training in engineering support situations, according to the topics of the lessons, is of great importance. The efficacy of training future engineering troops specialists is largely contingent upon the instructor's preparedness, the suitability and efficacy of the integrated innovative forms and methods of training employed, and the prudent utilisation of the educational material base. In conclusion, it is underscored that the enhancement of training quality for engineering specialists (as demonstrated by the United Training Center "PODILLIA" of the Support Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine) is intricately linked to the adoption of innovative educational technologies. These technologies, which encompass educational electronic literature, manuals and test tasks for training cadets; a unified network of electronic libraries, banks, and databases; a complex of systematic technical network solutions, special educational interactive interfaces, and other means that enable the use of the Internet and the formation of special networks for effective professional improvement; a complex of directive documents, including those reflected in orders and organisational-methodical instructions regarding the combat planning and operational training, in the plans of combat and operational training of the troops; the development of computer models, simulators, and trainers; the formation of a unified informational, educational environment, hold immense potential for the future of training engineering troops. They can be seamlessly integrated with traditional forms of training, paving the way for a more efficient and effective training system.
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