



higher education institutions, professional training, future teachers of natural sciences, differentiation and individualization of education


The article examines the problem of differentiated and individualized training of future teachers of natural sciences in higher education institutions. It was determined that the introduction of differentiation and individualization in the training of future teachers of natural sciences makes it possible to solve the following tasks: prevention of gaps in the knowledge, abilities and skills of students; raising the level of training of the entire group; development of students' abilities and interests; improving the quality of knowledge; more rational use of each student's study time; involvement of all students in active intellectual activity; elimination of gaps between frontal teaching methods and the individual character of knowledge. Specific effective methods of differentiation and individualization of professional training of future teachers of natural sciences are defined as provision of sufficient time for reflection and preparation; surveying students in the first third of the lesson; formation of confidence in students' own abilities through the correct tactics of questions and encouragement; caution in evaluating failures; involvement of students in various types of educational activities; change of activities; finding different ways of working; alternating tasks of different types. It was established that the effectiveness of differentiated and individualized training of future teachers of natural sciences in institutions of higher education ensures the use of the following technological methods: tasks of own selection, tasks of instructor's choice, and varying level tasks. It was established that the specific educational goal of individualizing and differentiating the training of future teachers of natural sciences is to improve the knowledge, skills and abilities of students, to promote the implementation of educational programs by increasing the level of knowledge, skills, and abilities of each student and group of students, and, thus, to reduce the absolute and relative lag, deepening and expanding knowledge and special abilities.


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How to Cite

МАРУШКО, Л. (2023). DIFFERENTIATED AND INDIVIDUALIZED TRAINING OF FUTURE SCIENCE TEACHERS IN HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS. Problems of Chemistry and Sustainable Development, (4), 70–75. https://doi.org/10.32782/pcsd-2022-4-7

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