family, preschool education institution, interaction, partnershipAbstract
Partnership interaction in the field of education makes it possible to effectively respond to the challenges of society and ensure its effectiveness in difficult and unpredictable conditions, in particular, in conditions of martial law. The development of partnership relations is one of the necessary conditions for the sustainable development of society. The partnership is always based on voluntary and mutually beneficial cooperation aimed at achieving the goals set by the participants of the educational process. The establishment of partnership relations with various social institutions by a preschool education institution is a requirement of the time, because it is obvious that an educational institution that is open to cooperation and quickly responds to social changes develops successfully. The main task of partnership in preschool education institutions is to increase the quality and efficiency of education, to improve the performance indicators for which they were created. The partnership of the educational institution involves the constant search for new resources to meet the educational needs of children and their parents, the introduction of innovations; development of projects, programs that take into account the interests of the institution and are useful for the social development of partners. A significant problem in the conditions of martial law is the inclusion of pupils' parents in the educational process. Involvement of parents and families in the educational process of a preschool institution confirms the position that each of the child's parents is responsible for his upbringing, development and education, as well as for preserving his life, strengthening his health, and forming a sense of human dignity. The article analyzes the system of social partnership and the principles of partnership activity in education. Considered effective forms of establishing partnership relations in the conditions of martial law. The concept of "pedagogical technology of interaction between the preschool education institution and the family" is defined and the pedagogical technology of the interaction between the preschool education institution and the family is described. In the conditions of partnership interaction of the preschool education institution and the family of pupils, there is a special meaning of harmonious development of the personality of the child of early and preschool age.
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