grammatical competence, grammatical competence of future primary school teachers, method of forming grammatical competence, syntax of a simple sentenceAbstract
The article substantiates the theoretical and methodological foundations of the formation of grammatical competence of future primary school teachers of the New Ukrainian School in the process of studying the syntax of a simple sentence. Exercises and tasks are proposed for the formation of grammatical competence in students of higher education in the process of studying the syntax of a simple sentence. It was established that the formation of grammatical competence in the process of learning the syntax of a simple sentence is an important stage and is formed on the readiness and ability to express thoughts, formulating them in phrases and sentences of various syntactic constructions, using the system of grammatical rules of the Ukrainian language. The concept of «grammatical competence of future primary school teachers» is analyzed, which is interpreted as the acquisition of syntactic means and resources of the language by the students of education, the ability to use them adequately and effectively in relevant communicative situations. It is noted that the competence paradigm of higher education focuses on strengthening the practical component in learning grammar, and therefore it is important to choose the methods of activity of the teacher and students in the process of forming grammatical competence in students of higher education. It is recommended to use the method of exercises and tasks for the successful formation of grammatical competence in future primary school teachers of the New Ukrainian School in the process of studying the syntax of a simple sentence. In the process of studying the syntax of a simple sentence, it is proposed to perform exercises and tasks that activate linguistic cognitive actions, ensure the study of grammatical forms in accordance with the needs of real communication of future primary school teachers of the New Ukrainian School. It has been established that the grammatical competence of future primary school teachers of the New Ukrainian School is formed as a result of a consistent, step-by-step, purposeful process of mastering modern grammatical knowledge, abilities and skills, which at the same time ensure the improvement of the language, speech and communication competences of the individual and the development of professionally oriented abilities.
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