citizenship, civic competence, civic competence of primary school students, civic education, primary school studentsAbstract
The article is devoted to the process of developing civic competence of primary school students of the New Ukrainian School. The research analyzes the regulatory and legal documents that are the basis for the formation of civic competence in primary school students of the New Ukrainian School. The authors of the article argue that the development of civic competence in primary school students takes place in the process of quality civic education, which is consistently carried out by parents, primary school teachers and the teaching staff of a general secondary education institution. Formation of civic competence of primary school students is one of the key tasks of the New Ukrainian School. In this regard, modern approaches to forming students’ civic competence are being developed, in particular through the introduction of democratic citizenship and human rights education into the educational process. These are new directions in education based on competency-based, activity-based, and personality-oriented approaches. We understand civic competence as a set of readiness and abilities of primary school students that allow them to actively, responsibly, and effectively exercise the rights and responsibilities of members of a democratic society, and to apply knowledge and skills in practice. The innovations implemented in the content of the civic and historical education of the New Ukrainian School contribute to the formation of civic competence in primary school students, which they need throughout their lives. Based on the study of modern philosophical, psychological, pedagogical, cultural studies of scientists, as well as the requirements of the NUS Concept, the State Standard of Primary Education and other legislative documents, the structure of the civic competence of a primary school student is determined, which includes motivational, cognitive, and activity components. The authors of the article recommend using works of folk art as a means of forming the civic competence of primary school students, studying the cultural and historical traditions of the people, the state language of the people.
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