humanistic practices of professional training, future preschool teachers, hermeneutic approach, pedagogical hermeneutics, technologies of working with textAbstract
The article is devoted to the implementation of a hermeneutic approach in the process of professional training of future preschool teachers, which involves the use of specially selected pedagogical texts during the teaching of professional disciplines, work with which allows students to feel and comprehend the essence of abstract concepts and categories that are difficult to understand, and learn to analyze pedagogical situations. Algorithms for organizing work in the process of studying professional disciplines with bachelor’s and master’s degree applicants are presented, analytical and constructive tasks based on the content of the text are characterized. The use of specially selected texts in the process of studying professional disciplines, which present various situations of interpersonal interaction and work with them through the prism of communication, dialogues of subjects, that is, intersubjective connections and relationships in general, is oriented towards the implementation of the paradigm of “pedagogy of understanding”, which generates professional consciousness and thinking, ability, readiness for understanding. Scientists, supporters of the hermaneutic approach, agree on the definition of the special role of the text as the basis for the formation of a multi-level mechanism of understanding. And for the professional growth of future preschool teachers, the essence, content and structure of the process of interpreting pedagogical knowledge are especially significant as a means and method of mastering the language of pedagogy by students as a translator of the meanings and meanings of its main categories. Reflection, reflective thinking in the format of problem dialogues on the material of specially selected texts as a tool of cognition ensures the conscious acceptance by students of basic pedagogical truths, the formation of their own model of professional behavior. The technology of compiling a pedagogical outline and the technology of formulating pedagogical maxims are described. The positive role in optimizing the process of assimilation of educational information by students of various methods of artistic and creative activity based on texts for the formation of pedagogical thinking has been confirmed, in particular, the composition of quatrains (quatrains are figurative quatrains on a given topic), the symbolic definition of one’s pedagogical credo, the development of a pedagogical logo (a kind of graphic emblem or symbol) and other graphic products of project and creative activity (posters, slide shows, videos, newspapers, almanacs, etc.), etc.
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