spirituality, inner world of the individual, leisure, leisure activities, junior high school studentAbstract
At the present stage of building Ukrainian society, the problem of forming the spirituality of the individual is extremely important. Spirituality, as the inner state of man, which determines and directs his life, is formed throughout life. Early school age is favorable for the formation of the foundations of spirituality. Systematic joint activities of the school and the family are an important factor in shaping the foundations of the spirituality of the child of primary school age. Leading activity in the system of formation of spirituality of the junior schoolboy is occupied by leisure activity. The purpose of the article is the substantive-procedural analysis of the formation of the foundations of spirituality of primary school students in the process of realizing their leisure time. To achieve this goal, the following methods were used: analysis and synthesis to reveal the essential features of spirituality and the peculiarities of its formation in early school age; generalization, systematization, abstraction to determine the possibilities of using folk customs, traditions and rituals in forming the foundations of children's spirituality. Based on scientific psychological and pedagogical research and pedagogical experience, the author of the article outlines the main provisions of the formation of the foundations of spirituality in junior high school students, taking into account their age and psychological characteristics. It is emphasized that children's leisure activities should be pedagogically organized and accordingly promote physical, emotional, mental, social activity; include the child in social interactions; to form moral and ethical values and to develop the inner world (spirituality) of the child; to promote the development of cognitive processes and interest in human knowledge, nature, history, customs and traditions of the people; to form the traditions of the class, school, family. The possibilities of leisure activities for the formation of the “good heart” as one of the components of the inner world of the individual, using folk and Christian calendars. Emphasis is placed on the need to intensify the joint activities of the primary school and the family with the formation of the child's personality in general and his inner spiritual world in particular.
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