weight, latitude, the radius of the Earth, equator, hammer, cannon, atmospheric pressure, lung volume, methane, chemical reactionAbstract
It is impossible to study and master physics without solving problems. If a student does not know how to solve problems, he has almost no knowledge of physics. To teach them to do this, it is necessary to solve the problems with facts that could be interesting for students and that could help to understand certain themes or sections. The utilization of problems with interdisciplinary content can help to increase the efficiency of these problems. In the course of their solution, the pupils get the knowledge from the other disciplines, apart from learning about physical laws. Such an approach increases the interest to learning physics even for those students who consider physics as a discipline of general secondary education and who do not plan to use it in own future professional activity. The work is devoted to the problems of utilization of information in the domain of geography, chemistry, biology, and sport in the creation and solution of physical problems. The problem that analyzes the correlation between the weight of the stationary body and the latitude of its location is proposed. It is also interesting to consider the problem that measures the difference in the weight of the trains that move in the opposite direction around the equator. The pupils that like sport would appreciate the problem the formulation of which is related to one of the oldest current world records in men’s athletics. It is about the achievement of Yuriy Sedykh that threw a hammer at 86,74 meters thanks to the unique throwing technique. In a physical problem of such type, it is also possible to use the biophysical information from the life of grasshoppers. The pupils of the military lyceum would appreciate the artillery problems. The research also considers examples of physical problems of molecular physics that use the knowledge of chemistry. The considered problems were proposed to the pupils and students during the physical olympiads.
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