innovative teaching methods, information and computer technologies, Ukrainian language, Internet, Google cloud services, educational platforms, method of projectsAbstract
The article provides an overview of the works of Ukrainian and foreign scholars, devoted to the problems of interactive learning and the introduction into the educational process of innovative methods of language teaching with the use of information and communication technologies. The method of projects as the newest technology of training has been analysed, the ways of this application during mastering of language material are offered. The concepts of “cloud services” and “cloud technologies” have been specified from the point of view of modern information science and didactics. The peculiarities of the usage of Google cloud services in the linguistics classes have been determined. The free online service Google Drive serves as an environment for storing and sharing information, allowing to create text and spreadsheet files, presentations etc. Web quests are the innovative project method of language teaching; their creation and usage by means of Google Blogger promotes the development of the future specialist’s personality, forms a holistic didactic model of language learning. The article focuses on the educational platforms on the Internet, establishes their place in the system of language training of higher education students in various specialties. The advantages of using online educational platforms in language teaching are the possibility for users to receive an individual program (case-study method) according to the level of their professional training, constant feedback, interactivity, dynamic learning process and availability of courses. Among the disadvantages of working with such resources are not always the high quality of educational material provided on some educational platforms, as well as partial consideration of the technical capabilities of computers and gadgets used by users. The popular online courses offered to students of various specialties on the global platform “Coursera” have been considered. The educational resources for mastering language skills, which are posted on the Ukrainian educational platforms “Promethues” and “EdEra”, have been characterised, their didactic opportunities for non-formal and informal education have been determined.
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