punctuation, punctogram, punctuation skills, punctuation competence of future teacher of the primary schoolAbstract
The article substantiates the linguistic didactic principles of the formation of punctuation competence of the future primary school teacher in the process of learning the Ukrainian language. It was established that the linguistic basis of punctuation education is the principles of Ukrainian punctuation, which include syntactic, semantic and intonation. In the linguistic didactic plane, the process of formation of punctuation competence is based primarily on the understanding of such terms as «punctuation», «punctuation mark», «punctuation chart», «punctuation rule», «punctuation norms». The concept of «punctuation competence of the future primary school teacher» is analyzed, which is interpreted as the acquired personal ability to form written speech of any functional style in accordance with current punctuation norms based on a valuable attitude to language. It is noted that teaching punctuation takes place using such traditional methods as narration, conversation, working with a dictionary, the method of exercises, as well as innovative ones, in particular project, research, situational and interactive. It is emphasized that in the process of studying punctuation norms, various types of tasks are used, in particular: writing down, punctuation practices, dictation, selecting examples and composing sentences to illustrate certain punctuation patterns, composing sentences according to schemes, supporting words or syntactic constructions, restructuring sentences, editing texts, writing creative works. It is noted that in the conditions of modernization of higher education, renewal of its content and structure, the importance of independent work of students is increasing, because as a result of self-education, students acquire skills of independent acquisition of knowledge, the ability to apply spelling knowledge in specific communicative situations. It was established that the introduction of technologies for the formation of punctuation competence of the future primary school teacher significantly expands the range of possibilities of the subjects of the educational process, as it contributes to the meaningful application of knowledge.
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