innovative practices, professional training, future primary school teachers, evaluation and analytical competence, innovative practices, project learning, game practices, quests, etc.Abstract
The relevance of the problem of using innovative practices in the process of forming assessment and analytical competence in future primary school teachers is due to the requirements of the Concept of the New Ukrainian School for the assessment of educational achievements of schoolchildren. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the use of innovative practices in the process of formation of evaluative and analytical competence in future primary school teachers. To achieve the goal, it became necessary to solve a number of tasks: 1) clarify the essence of the concept of "evaluative and analytical competence of the future primary school teacher"; 2) justify the use of innovative practices for the formation of evaluative and analytical competence in students of higher pedagogical education during the study of the educational component "Control and evaluation of educational achievements of students of primary education of the New Ukrainian School". In the process of scientific research, it was established that innovative practices are based on the use of innovative and proven methods and forms of professional training, which aim to achieve the most effective result of forming the evaluative and analytical competence of future teachers. Evaluative and analytical competence is understood as the formed ability of a primary school teacher to identify, analyze and evaluate the educational achievements of students through the use of various methods, techniques, types and forms of evaluation, encouraging them to self-assess their own achievements and mutual evaluation of their peers with further analysis. It was established that the use of such innovative practices in the educational process as the method of working in small (rotational) groups, game practices (business game, Kahoot), project learning, quests, the use of media aids in deepening and systematizing knowledge of the program material from the OC "Control and Evaluation educational achievements of primary education students of the New Ukrainian School" and the formation of evaluative and analytical competence in future primary school teachers.
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