rhetoric, rhetorical competence, communicative competence, speech and language culture, oratory, speech styles, speech genres, verbal and non-verbal communication, future language teachers of the New Ukrainian SchoolAbstract
The article highlights the issue of rhetorical competence formation in future teachers of the Ukrainian language and literature of the New Ukrainian School. It is emphasized that modern requirements for the quality of higher education have led to the actualization of the problem of training pedagogical workers with formed professional competence, the leading place in which belongs to a high level of rhetorical competence. It is emphasized that the preparation of students of higher education for life in the conditions of the information society, the intensive development of intercultural communications and the expansion of communication opportunities necessitates the need for proper possession of rhetorical skills in order to achieve any communicative goals. Attention is drawn to the fact that in the Professional Standard “Teacher of a general secondary education institution”, two more components are added to the concept of competence – communication (to what extent teachers competently interact with all participants of the educational process) and responsibility and autonomy. It has been specified that the labor function A1. Linguistic and communicative competence involves the ability and skills to apply techniques and methods of enriching the speech of students to express their thoughts, feelings and attitudes, to promote speech creativity of students (A1.U2.), to use communication as a tool for forming value attitudes in students (A2.5.К1.). The scientific research characterizes the interpretation of the concept of “rhetorical competence” by modern linguists and linguists. It has been found that the issue of the ratio of rhetorical and communicative competences is debatable in language didactics, it is stated that rhetorical competence is included in the system of communicative competence. Rhetorical competence is defined as an indicator of a person’s speech and language culture, his ability to communicate successfully and be a master speaker. Taking into account the importance of rhetorical competence in the system of professional communicative competence of future teachers of the Ukrainian language and literature of the New Ukrainian School, it is proposed to form rhetorical competence comprehensively in the process of studying the educational components of general and professional training, introducing interactive teaching methods, and in the process of selfeducation and self-improvement of applicants for higher pedagogical education.
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