language competence, speech competence, educational and training exercises, tasks, communicative and speech competence.Abstract
The article specifies the meaning of the concepts «language competence», «speech competence», traces the development of the formation of concepts «Language competence», «speech competence» in modern linguistics, clarifies the formation specifics of speech competence of students of non-philology specialties of higher education institutions. The interrelationship and nterdependence of concepts «language competence», «speech competence» in scientific intelligence are emphasized. At the same time, the authors of the article convincingly distinguish the analyzed terms on the basis of interpretations of concepts by modern linguists. Linguistic competence is proposed to be considered as a process and result of linguistic activity of an individual, knowledge of language norms, mastery of grammatical, stylistic, orthographic, lexical, and spelling skills; motivated need to study the Ukrainian language as the state language. Speech competence is defined as the ability to understand, perceive, reproduce what has been read or heard, to prepare one’s own statements in various genres, to use appropriate means of the Ukrainian language depending on the style of speech; edit both one’s own and others’ speech, perform self-monitoring based on the results of speech activity. In order to form language and speech competence of students of higher education of non-philology majors, it is advisable to perform exercises and tasks aimed at the development of speech culture, cleaning from slang, profanity - correcting language errors in word forms, word combinations , sentences; constructive tasks that involve working with the text on individual cards for the purpose of analyzing errors in the language of mass media and advertising, exercises for editing professional texts, tasks of a research and search nature, aimed at the development of communicative and speech competence.
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