innovative technologies, interactive technologies, interactive learning, pedagogical activity, discussion, case method, information technologiesAbstract
The article is devoted to the problem of application of interactive teaching methods in higher education institutions as one of the most important areas of training future specialists. The modernization of the education system reinforced the relevance of this study. The changes taking place in the system of higher education are caused by the movement towards an innovative personal and developmental paradigm of education, the need to use the intellectual and creative potential of individuals for creative activity in all spheres of life. The creation of educational content taking into account modern tendencies of development of scientific knowledge leads to the necessity not only to master the basic units and to allocate concepts but also those cognitive means which help the student independently to acquire knowledge through the mastering of the intellectual actions that develop mental processes. The main conceptual approaches to the application of interactive teaching methods in higher education are highlighted based on the theoretical analysis of psychological-pedagogical and special literature, practical experience. Peculiarities of organization of educational and cognitive activity of future teachers in the process of introduction of interactive technologies are substantiated, and also necessity of observance of certain requirements is defined through creation of the corresponding psychological and pedagogical conditions, development of integral professional and methodical system of training and introduction in educational process of the executive creative report. The article focuses on the application of the method of discussion, case method, an interactive information technology. It concludes that the use of innovative forms of education in the system of university education leads to an increase in its quality in accordance with the needs of society and an individual. The use of innovative forms of higher education provides training for specialists with not only theoretical knowledge but also practical skills, and competitiveness in the labor market focused on the successful and effective solution of professional problems.
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