national education, national consciousness, national idea, professional training, means of educationAbstract
The article examines the current problems of education of national consciousness of future teachers of primary education in the process of professional training in institutions of higher education. The changes taking place in modern Ukrainian society determined the relevance of the chosen research topic. The primary school teacher is entrusted with a great mission – to educate a conscious citizen of the Ukrainian nation. The nation, the victory and indomitable spirit of which admires the entire modern conscious world. Based on the theoretical analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature and practical experience, the main conceptual approaches to the education of national consciousness of future specialists in primary education in the process of professional training in higher education institutions are highlighted. The specifics of the organization of educational and educational activities of future teachers in the process of raising national consciousness are substantiated. The article focuses on the ways of raising the national consciousness of future specialists in primary education in the process of studying the following educational disciplines: “Modern Ukrainian language with practical training”, “Ukrainian ethnopedagogy”, “Pedagogical ethics and communicative etiquette”. It was concluded that the formation of the national consciousness of future primary school teachers is an integral and integral part of solving the fundamental problem of training national pedagogical personnel. Therefore, this socially important integrated quality must be formed purposefully and systematically even within the walls of pedagogical educational institutions. The study showed that work on the formation of national consciousness can be effective if all possible means and methods of national education are purposefully and consistently introduced into the educational process of a pedagogical higher education institution and if this work is systematized according to certain directions that reflect the main essential aspects of this process (educational, educational, independent work).
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