spelling, graphics, orthography, punctuation, spelling competence of students, European language portfolio, spelling portfolio of future teachers of the New Ukrainian School.Abstract
The article indicates that in the context of the current requirements for the professional training of future primary school teachers of the New Ukrainian School, the problem of forming and improving the spelling of students' competence in today's conditions becomes extremely relevant. The article highlights the issues of ensuring the quality of language education using portfolio technology as one of the most effective forms of accumulation and assessment of individual achievements of students. The European language portfolio is described: history of origin, structure and content. The spelling portfolio is defined as an important component of the language portfolio, as a modern educational technology, which is based on a personality-oriented approach to learning, a method of authentic assessment of the results of students' educational activities in the process of studying the spelling of the Ukrainian language, an individual trajectory for improving the spelling of the competence of future specialists of the New Ukrainian School. We analysed the importance of portfolio spelling for the subjects of the educational process: teacher and student. The structure of the spelling of the portfolio of the future primary school teacher is highlighted. A sample spelling scheme for a portfolio in the system of linguistic training of future teachers of the New Ukrainian School is proposed. In the process of working on scientific research, the following research methods were used: theoretical: analysis and synthesis in the processing of linguistic, pedagogical and methodological literature on the problem under study; theoretical comprehension and generalization of the experience of teachers and their own work experience to determine the state of work on the formation of the spelling competence of future primary school teachers; empirical: observation and analysis of lessons in the discipline "Modern Ukrainian language with a workshop", "Workshop on Ukrainian spelling", conversations with teachers and students
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