culture of communication, pedagogical culture, language, speech, communicative abilities, pedagogical conditions, professional trainingAbstract
The article deals with the actual problems of forming a culture of communication of future primary school teachers in the process of professional training in higher education institutions. The relevance of the chosen topic was determined by the changes taking place in the process of formation of the new Ukrainian school. Culture of communication is one of the essential components of establishing social, professional contacts of a teacher, a means of its expression through language and speech. It reflects the value orientations, harmony of professional knowledge, communicative, moral and psychological abilities, describes his education, ability to express thoughts, adhere to ethical norms of communication. Mastering the culture of communication by the teacher is a prerequisite for the effective formation of professional competencies of the future specialist of primary education and an integral part of the pedagogical culture as a certain level of development of the teacher's personality. Based on the theoretical analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature, practical experience, the indicators of the formation of the culture of pedagogical communication in future primary school teachers in the process of professional training in higher education institutions are highlighted. The psychological and pedagogical conditions for the effective formation of future teachers' culture of communication are substantiated. It is determined that communication is a multifaceted phenomenon in which the didactic aspect requires the attention of researchers. It is appropriate to focus on the pedagogical conditions of teaching students professional communication - the organization of the educational process using innovative teaching technologies: conducting trainings, discussions during practical classes, which contribute to the improvement of professional communication skills, creating a variety of situational tasks where students try themselves in the role of a teacher, solving various pedagogical problems, creating artificial barriers to pedagogical communication to develop the ability to overcome them.
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