


nutritive cream, emulsion base, physical and chemical properties, pharmacotechnological properties, biopharmaceutical research


Nutritive cosmetic creams (NCC) are common cosmetic products. They possess the important hygienic functions such as delivering nutrients into the skin, regenerative activity due to biologically active substances (BAS) of natural origin, moisturising of the skin. Emulsion bases of NCCs contain vegetable and animal fats and oils, which are able to penetrate through the skin and are BAS active carriers. Ingredients, such as hydrocarbons, silicone compounds, aggressive emulsifiers of anionic and cationic nature, preservatives etc., which are used in manufactured NCC often do not correspond to the cosmetic purpose or even have harmful effects. An alternative to manufactured NCC can be individually compounded remedies in pharmacies which have the optimal formulations of auxiliary substances. The article presents the experiment results about development of the emulsion cream base formulation of the NCC. It was worked out 9 samples of NCC bases, which included various combinations of emulsifiers (Nature Mulse, Planta M, Erkalan PEG-75) and thickeners (sodium alginate, guar gum, xanthan gum). Using the data of organoleptic, physical and chemical (colloidal and thermal stability, pH), pharmacotechnological (structural viscosity, homogeneity and dimensions of the dispersed phase of the emulsion system) and biopharmaceutical studies, it was established that the emulsion base with the following composition possessed the best properties: almond oil – 25.0 g, shea butter – 7.0 g, rice bran wax – 3.0 g, Planta M emulsifier – 3.0 g, sodium alginate – 1.0 g, glycerol – 5.0 g, purified water – up to 100.0 g.


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How to Cite

ФЕДОРОВСЬКА, М., ДАНИЛЯК, М., ВОЛОШЕНЮК, Т., & СЛИВКА, Н. (2023). DEVELOPMENT OF THE EMULSION CREAM BASE WITH NUTRITIVE PROPERTIES. Problems of Chemistry and Sustainable Development, (4), 97–106.

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