primary school teacher, humanistic education, pedagogical skills, professionalism.Abstract
The article deals with the problem of preparing primary school teachers for humanistic education of children. The relevance of the chosen research is explained by the change in the paradigm of education from technocratic to humanistic. Undoubtedly, the quality of the educational process in primary school is directly dependent on the professionalism of the teacher. In this context, the teacher’s readiness to implement the tasks of humanistic education is of particular importance. This is precisely what the provisions of the New Ukrainian School concept are aimed at. The methodological basis of our study is the interconnection of axiological and personal-activity approaches, which involve the actualisation of the motivational and value sphere of the individual and the development of the personal and professional qualities of the teacher. The key is also the philosophy of humanisation of education. The novelty is the generalisation of scientific approaches to the definition of the concepts of ‘humanism’, ‘humanistic education’, ‘humanisation of the educational process’ and the identification of the main priorities in the preparation of primary school teachers for the humane education of students. It has been found that the stated problem is studied by teachers and psychologists in connection with moral and ethical values. The generalisation of scientific work has made it possible to clarify the content of the concepts of ‘humanisation’, ‘humanistic education’, ‘humanisation of the educational process’ and to conclude that the basis of humanistic education is the principle of folk pedagogy ‘Look – do not forget, be a human being!’. The main priorities of primary school teacher training for the implementation of humanistic education of students are revealed. It is emphasised that the humanistic education of primary schoolchildren is carried out in educational and cognitive and educational activities. This requires high professionalism of the teacher, his/her pedagogical skills. The article draws balanced conclusions about the significance of the studied aspect.
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